To find your order, visit the "order history" section on your account page. A confirmation email will be sent with the tracking ID once your order is shipped.
Once your order is placed, it will be processed within 24 hours (excluding Sundays and public holidays). You'll receive a confirmation email once your order is shipped, along with the tracking ID. For delivery, please consider the following timeframes:
Delivery in Metros: 2-5 working days
Rest of India: 4-7 working days.
To cancel your order, email us at hello@madbrag.com. If the order hasn't been shipped yet, we can cancel it the same day. If the product has already been shipped, we'll wait 24-48 hours for online tracking to confirm the return. Once confirmed, we'll cancel the order and initiate a refund. The refund will be returned to the original form of payment and may take 3-5 business days to process.
To change your shipping or billing address, please make sure to do so within 24 hours of placing your order. Once the order is shipped, it becomes difficult to make any changes. To submit an address change request, please use the "contact us" form, and our customer support team will assist you promptly.
If you wish to change the items in your order, it is only possible if the order has not been shipped from our warehouse yet. Please contact us at hello@madbrag.com to request item changes in your order.
To exchange or return your order or product, you have the option to do so within 7 days of receiving it. We do offer exchanges as well. To initiate a return or exchange, please click on the link below and follow the instructions provided.
The returned order typically takes approximately 5-7 business days to reach our warehouse.
Our website has stringent security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. Whenever you change or access your account information, we offer the use of a secure server. Once your information is in our possession we adhere to strict security guidelines, protecting it against unauthorized access.
Product warranties may not be applicable to all items. We recommend reading the product description for specific details regarding warranty coverage before making a purchase.
We do not have a cash-on-delivery option available, we only accept prepaid orders.
If you want to avail cash-on-delivery option we are available on AMAZON, MYNTRA & AJIO as well.
Yes, We have 3 Easy EMI payment option available for all orders via Snapmint
Credit card NOT required, Online approval in 2 minutes
Our customer service timing is from 11 am to 5 pm Monday to Saturday.
Please reach us at hello@madbrag.com to get the Invoice for your purchase.
For collaborations, kindly email us at marketing@creaindia.com. If things work out, we will get in touch with you.
Please get in touch with our Business Development team on hello@madbrag.com. Please mention your reason to contact in Subject line.
By eliminating COD on our brand website, we offer enhanced order customization and personalization options, leading to a more tailored and convenient shopping experience.
Online payment methods enable customers to modify their orders, update shipping details, and access exclusive promotions.
This approach contributes to a sustainable and eco-friendly world by reducing cash handling and associated logistics, aligning with our commitment to environmental responsibility.
While we understand some customers may prefer COD, focusing on secure online payments allows us to provide efficient, reliable, and customer-centric service.
For those who prefer COD, we are available on trusted platforms like Amazon, Myntra, and AJIO.